201 Dominik Drive started out as a franchisee of Danver's, a restaurant chain out of Tennessee and while it lasted a few years longer than the other Texas locations (this one operating from 1978 to 1985), it still didn't last a decade despite extensive advertising.
From 1987 to around 1993 it was a location of (what was then) Texas Aggie Bookstore when it briefly had expanded outside of its Northgate home. From 1994 to 1996 it was Brazos Brewing Company, which unfortunately didn't too long due to the restrictive laws on Texas brewpubs at the time.
In 1998, it became the new home of Brazos Blue Ribbon Bakery, which opened in 1998 but was locked out in 1999 for tax evasion. Luckily, their baking equipment did not go to waste, a new company, Blue Baker opened in May 2001.
Blue Baker went onto open several more locations (a location off of University Drive East opened in 2007), and two more locations opened elsewhere (Highway 40 and Austin, though the latter folded by 2022). Around 2018, an entrance opened up from George Bush Drive East, allowing direct access that way (but not an exit out).
I actually have a menu from 2002, with prices and items similar to the original 2001 mix (clearly they've gone up...), but I have yet to scan it.
UPDATE 01-13-2025: While this was extensively rewritten in 2019 to re-focus on Blue Baker after several rewrites and spinoffs (it originally was titled "Dominik Road: Of Beer and Sandwiches" and covered several properties) it was again rewritten once more with some new dates and other features.